Maybe I mentioned that Hallie has a new friend...
Bliss and her sister, Carissa were both born in the US. They moved to China this past summer. Although, she speaks Chinese she does not read or write it very well, so going to Chinese school would be very difficult. Bliss goes to the International school. Since they have met, Bliss and Hallie have spent every Saturday (and any other chance they get) together playing, talking, and giggling.
This past weekend , I invited her and her sister over to help decorate some cupcakes for Easter. I put out bowls of colored icing and sprinkles and let them decorate! It took the girls about 10 minutes to ice and decorate 24 cupcakes.

Carissa said she wanted to eat a cupcake, so, when they finished, I let them. Then she said, " I want to eat
two cupcakes." I sent them home with a few.
I think they had an enjoyable afternoon.
Ever since we met this family, Hallie has been praying for them. She asks that we will say the right things and that God will open their hearts. We know that they attended a Chinese church in the States but do not go here in China. Jane (the mom) asked if we go to church. Maybe they are looking. Will you join Hallie in praying for this family?